Back Pain Clinics
in Leicestershire
Back Pain

Market Harborough Back Pain Treatment

20 June 2013  |  Admin

Market Harborough Chiropractor Back Pain Treatment
Written By, On June 20, 2013
Chiropractor in Market Harborough and Chiropractor in Melton Mowbray

Back Pain Clinic in Market Harborough and Back Pain Clinic in Melton Mowbray

Why should we think more about looking after our backs ?

If we look at the cost of back pain to the nation as a whole it may convince us to help reduce this impact on our economy. There has been a lot of research done into this area and the following extracts come a variety of sources.

The NHS spends per year more than £1 billion on back pain related costs, this includes: £512 million on hospital costs for back pain patients.£141 million on GP consultations for back pain.£150.6 million on physiotherapy treatments for back pain. In the private health care sector £565 million is spent on back pain every year.

This brings the health care costs for back pain to a total of £1.6 billion per year.

In addition there are other (indirect) costs. The Health and Safety Executive estimates that musculoskeletal disorders, which includes back pain costs UK employers between £590 million and £624 million per year. These costs are yet still insignificant compared to the cost of informal care and the losses related to it, which reach a staggering total

£10.668 billion. (1)

The total cost of back pain corresponds to between 1% and 2% of gross national product (GP). Other European countries report similar high costs; back pain related costs in The Netherlands in 1991 were more than 4 billion euro. For Sweden in 1995 this was more than 2 billion euro.

Nearly 5 million working days were lost as a result of back pain in 2003-04. This means that on any one day 1% of the working population are on sickness leave due to a back problem. (5)

Back pain is the number 2 reason for long term sickness in much of the UK.

In manual labour job, back pain is the number one reason.

So if you are in a manual job, especially if you are self employed, your number one reason for time off work and reduced earnings is back pain. If steps are taken to reduce the risks of back pain developing in the first place ie: with regular visits to a chiropractor, you would have less time off work.

Benefits of early intervention not only include the likelihood of employees making a sooner recovery, but also makes it cost effective to the employer as absenteeism will drop. Indeed the costs to companies are huge, and can be due to legal fees, compensation, loss of customer satisfaction resulting from poorer service due to absenteeism and much more.

All the current research available strongly advocates that prevention is the key to the management and reduce the long term suffering and disability associated with low back pain. Waiting until the damage has become irriversible is simply madness.

If you do nothing, nothing will change

Take action today and call, dont wait until its too late.

For more information on how we can benefit your business call us now on

Chiropractor in Market Harborough on 01858 414841

Chiropractor in Melton Mowbray on 01664 561199

1. Maniadakis A, Gray A. The economic burden of back pain in the UK. Pain 2000;84:95-103
2. The cost of accidents at work, HS(G)96 2nd Edition, HMSO 1997.
3. Norlund Al & Waddell G. Cost of back pain in some OECD countries. In: Nachemson AL, Jonsson E(eds). Neck and back pain: The scientific evidence of causes, diagnosis and treatment.
Philadelphia: Lippencott, Williams & Wilkins, 2000.
4. Van Tulder M. Chapter 1:Introduction. Eur Spine J 2006; 15(suppl 2):S134-S135.
5. Back Health st work. HSE 2005
6. Department for work and Pensions, 2002

Call Melton Mowbray Clinic: 01664 561199
Call Market Harborough Clinic: 01858 414841

The Chiropractic Clinic

Market Harborough & Melton Mowbray