Back Pain Clinics
in Leicestershire
Back Pain

The Chiropractic Clinic in Market Harborough

8 May 2013  |  Admin

The Chiropractic Clinic in Market Harborough
Written By, On May 8, 2013
The Chiropractic Clinic specialise in the treatment of spinal related disorders, be that neck pain, headaches, low back pain , sciatica.

We treat patients of all ages, the sooner you get your spine checked the better the results will be. Often patients leave seeking treatment for back pain until its too late and what was once something that gave them the odd niggle has finally developed into something giving them permanent pain.

The majority of back pain sufferers mistakenly put their back pain down to a simple muscular sprain, but they are wrong. Especially when they have repeated bouts of back pain that is very similar in nature. Over the years these bouts become more frequent and increasingly more severe as the years pass, something is obviously wrong and it will get worse as time goes by.

Before you end up with a chronic back condition limiting your mobility please call

The Chiropractic Clinic in Market Harborough on 01858 414841 or The Melton Mowbray Chiropractic Clinic and get it sorted sooner rather than later.

Call Melton Mowbray Clinic: 01664 561199
Call Market Harborough Clinic: 01858 414841

The Chiropractic Clinic

Market Harborough & Melton Mowbray